All designers know that feathering the nest of any space is what makes the house a home. We were so smitten with The Nest Event Loft we rented for Monday Morning Mimosas we thought it deserves a special post all it's own...
The space is the work of Barb Saltzman, talented and oh so creative founder of Hatch Creative. Designer of weddings, events and all things lovely- be sure to check out
her site!

The space is perfect for most events and can accommodate formal dinners, casual parties, corporate events, trunk shows, photo shoots, and of course, Monday Morning Mimosas!

The eclectic blend of old, new, borrowed, blue, vintage, mid-century, urban and country all blend to create a warm and welcoming space.

Collection of radios- reuse at it's best!

Les oiseaux

The views from every window (and there were lots of them!) had an amazing view, including The Empire State Building. But most of all, we coveted a nearby rooftop garden and penthouse across the street!
Thanks Barb- we can't wait to fly in again sometime soon!
Photos via Green Paper Company and Hatch Creative Event Space