Playing around today visiting all the kids on the blogs writing about Helvetica vs. Arial. Trying to make nice with that bully Arial and his oh so handsome predecessor Helvetica (who we can't even show you since it's not a Blogger typeface option!) ;)
A few fave sites that punch it out:
1. A Quiz

Really cute quiz from iliveonyourvisits.com. Luv her snark-ie text intro:
Once there was a typeface called Helvetica.
It was extremely popular.
Later came a software company called Microsoft.
They “borrowed” Helvetica for their operating system and called it Arial.
This inferior typeface is now on millions of desktops all over the world.
Can you tell the difference between the original and the rip-off in these ten examples?
2. Lessons to be learned:
Penmanship guide highlights the ins and outs
#3. Knock down drag out

Fun animation by Mime Artist that says it all... play it here: mimeartist.com
At the risk of taking sides on this ever growing playground- we'll stick by our buddy Helvetica. Do we feel like a traitor every time we employee Arial into our work- you betcha! But a bloggers gotta do what a bloggers gotta do and our heart is true - We ♥ u H!
4. Font and Lettering artist Mark Simonson has a great article on his blog that re-caps the history. And when you have had enough, move on to his own font design eye candy that knocks these bad boys out of the park.