To start off, these eggs are not your grandmother's Easter palette- soft neutrals add a seldom seen Easter elegance that are the perfect counterpoint to jellybean pastelles.
Best of all, these eggs are dyed with all natural vegetable dyes brewed up stove top in the kitchen.
The Country Living cover was inspired by a post last Easter by Sonia Bauer on her blog
Big Sis Lil Sis - it has incredible how to's with great photos incorporating ferns and flowers turning them into templates and treasures.
With Easter just around the corner, hop on over to these sites and with a bit of prep work your Easter baskets will brim with handcrafted lovelies!
Be sure to read the articles here:
Sonia Bauer's Recipe for All-Natural Egg Dyes in Country LivingSonia Bauer's article about her cover storyBIGSISLILSIS.COM 2010 ARTICLE {Detailed How To's and Recipes}
Country Living cover photo: