Running from dusk till dawn? Feeling like there just aren't enough hours in a day? Welcome to May! There's no doubt about it, May is a hectic month for everyone in our industry and being creative under pressure is no small task. If you are a shop owner rustling through wedding season, or a designer bustling to launch your new collection at NSS, or a paper company pushing out orders and moving all at the same time... ;) it's hard to keep focused and on point.
Early In Early Out Start your work day an hour earlier than usual. Limit your day to 8 truly productive hours rather than 12 not so productive ones.
Short List Narrow your extensive to-do list to 3 things that MUST get done today. Focus on only these things first and don't be distracted by less pressing matters.
Write Shorter Emails Keep emails to 3-4 lines. It makes a hug difference in how long it takes to write and reply to mail. If you keep it short, they will too.
Turn Off Distractions While working on your "Short List" turn off your phone, log out of email and silence the Tweets. Focus on single tasks versus multi-tasking.
Clean Off Your Desktop Take everything off your desk that does not apply to the tasks on your "Short List" and put them under your desk. On your computer desk top, create a file called "Not Now!" and put everything in it till you accomplish the must do's.
Breathe! Take breathing breaks every 30 minutes. You'll be surprised how often you hold your breath which blocks creative energy from flowing through your workspace.
Glass Half Full Fatigue can be draining and set your mind racing in a negative spiral. Be optimistic and inspired by your competition. Any present challenges are a stepping stone to your future success.
Reflect Spend a few minutes a day sending positive thoughts out to others. It's so easy to get wrapped up in a project and loose perspective for the world around us. Take a moment to be grateful for your creative gifts and the lifestyle you lead that allows you to enjoy them.
Here are a few tips to you re-group and re-engergize though
crunch time:
crunch time:
Early In Early Out Start your work day an hour earlier than usual. Limit your day to 8 truly productive hours rather than 12 not so productive ones.
Short List Narrow your extensive to-do list to 3 things that MUST get done today. Focus on only these things first and don't be distracted by less pressing matters.
Write Shorter Emails Keep emails to 3-4 lines. It makes a hug difference in how long it takes to write and reply to mail. If you keep it short, they will too.
Turn Off Distractions While working on your "Short List" turn off your phone, log out of email and silence the Tweets. Focus on single tasks versus multi-tasking.
Clean Off Your Desktop Take everything off your desk that does not apply to the tasks on your "Short List" and put them under your desk. On your computer desk top, create a file called "Not Now!" and put everything in it till you accomplish the must do's.
Breathe! Take breathing breaks every 30 minutes. You'll be surprised how often you hold your breath which blocks creative energy from flowing through your workspace.
Glass Half Full Fatigue can be draining and set your mind racing in a negative spiral. Be optimistic and inspired by your competition. Any present challenges are a stepping stone to your future success.
Reflect Spend a few minutes a day sending positive thoughts out to others. It's so easy to get wrapped up in a project and loose perspective for the world around us. Take a moment to be grateful for your creative gifts and the lifestyle you lead that allows you to enjoy them.
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